Thospa: a sacred place

Take a moment to remember that you are a three part being. You are a spirit, you have a mind and you live in a body. You, the spirit,  manage the other two parts. You are the controller and the decider. You, the spirit, choose what information is relevant and important and how it will be utilized in your mind and for your body. For example, each day you decide how to use your free time. Options for free time may be given to you or you may seek them out. Eventually, though, you have a list of options. Today, it might be watch TV, ride your bike or read a book. The process of deciding is made by you the spirit by utilizing the resources of your memories, knowledge, emotions and critical thinking. These resources do not make the decision, you do, the spirit man (or woman). All of this activity takes place in a specific part of your mind. As discussed earlier in Widom River, this space is limited and can only operate on one or two ideas/decisions at any one given point in time. This is an extremely valuable area. Let's call it Thospa (Thought Space). Everything you do as a spirit is conceived, pondered, evaluated and decided on in Thospa. If you as a spirit purpose to live in accordance with God's will, Thospa is a sacred place indeed. It is where you direct your life. It is where you make life changing decisions. You are in charge of the command center of your life called Thospa. You decide what enters and is processed in Thospa. Choose wisely. Daily doses of God's Word is critical. Meditating on and communing with God is processed through Thospa. Satan's tools of doubt and fear must be banned from Thospa. You are the caretaker and steward of a sacred place called Thospa.
